Smart Marine 3D beginners SQL quick start

2011/10/16 21:35

Some simple SQL queries that can help new users start faster.

Applicable to: SmartPlant 3D , SmartMarine 3D and Smart 3D design systems.

Create equipment list including equimpment description. The information is stored in two different tables in projects' (plants' ) database - XXXX_MDB. The table view JNamedItem contain all items names and their IDs - oid. The equipment data is read from JEquipment. Table view JEquipment has information for the equipment ID but not for its name. Read ItemName from JNamedItem and match the object IDs 'oid' from both tables views.

Example SQL query:

SELECT ItemName, Description


JEquipment eqp,

JNamedItem nam



Order by 


See also how to create SQL filter for use in SM3D (SP3D) work space. The filter lists all objects created or modified during the last few hours.